Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and some people are more at risk than others. 90% of skin cancers in the UK are linked to excessive sun exposure to sunlight. However it is the only cancer that you can see! Be vigilant and check your moles and know about the changes to be aware of that could save your life, see below tips:

  • A – Assymetry – One half of a mole does not match the other
  • B – Border – The edges are irregular or jagged
  • C – Colour – The mole is not exactly coloured and may be uneven/patchy: shades of black, white, grey, brown or pink or contain two or more colours
  • D – Diameter – The mole is usually larger than 6mm across
  • E – Evolving – The mole is changing in size, shape or colour.

Following the success of our collaboration with Screen Cancer UK on December Wellbeing Day when we offered appointments to get your moles checked out, we are pleased to announce that we have secured further private appointments to offer to all staff. This service is for staff who have concerns relating to existing moles, changes to moles or new moles/lesions. Images are taken of moles and other skin lesions and they are sent to Skin Cancer UK’s in-house specialist dermatologists and results are received usually within a week.

These sessions are now fully booked.


Please contact Christian Regis for further details.