GCS now have staff trained to be Cycle Leaders and will be leading some guided cycles next week and over the Summer. In addition the Cycle to Work scheme is now open all year round and staff can buy a bike through the scheme and take advantage of tax savings.

Many of our staff already enjoy cycling and meet up regularly for weekend recreational cycle rides with coffee stops included, its important to keep hydrated! The College has also entered several events such as Gorseinon 10k, Merlin ride, Avon triathlon. If you are interested in finding out more about how to start cycling or how to join a group for recreation or to compete, please contact christian.regis@gowercollegeswansea.ac.uk


Wythnos dechrau Mai 14-Mehefin 30 – Week starting May 14 – June 30


Mi fydd y gwersi i gyd arlein ar y grwpiau ar Teams, ond mae stafell dawel wedi ei threfnu yn Gorseinon N8, Tycoch a Jubilee Court os oes angen.


The classes will be online on Teams groups, there is a quiet room organised in Gorseinon N8, and for Tycoch and Jubilee Court if needed.


Mynediad 1 – Entry 1

Llun 8.30-10.30am Monday

Llun 1.30-3.30pm Monday

Mercher 2.30-4.30pm Wednesday:  gwers yn y dosbarth Gorseinon N8 – croeso i chi ymuno ar Teams hefyd.  In class tutor lesson – welcome to attend on Teams too.

Iau 1.30-3.30pm Thursday


Mynediad 2 – Entry 2

Iau 10.45am-12.45pm Thursday


Canolradd 1 – Intermediate 1

Llun 10.45am-12.45pm Monday


Cofrestrwch fan hyn | Enrol here: https://staff/sd3/internalTraining.aspx and you will be added to the relevant Teams group.

Your Cycle to Work Scheme is now available all year round. As one of the UK’s leading Cycle to Work scheme providers, Cycle Solutions helps employees purchase a new bike tax free through salary sacrifice, making savings on the cost of a new bike and cycling equipment and spreading the cost over 12 months.  To find out more please visit https://www.cyclesolutions.info/how-it-works

All you need to do is..

  • Find Your New Bike

Follow your unique Cycle Solutions link to your company store, and order your bike and/or accessories online. They will call you to confirm the details of your order.

  • Order Approval

Once your order has been finalised, Cycle Solutions will send you an agreement to approve. Your employer will also approve this document, confirming that you will be hiring the equipment for the duration of the agreement.

  • Revolutionise Your Commute!

Your bike will be assembled and checked by our technicians and delivered to your chosen address. You are then free to start using your brand new bike to cycle to work!

  • Salary Sacrifice

After approval from yourself and your employer, deductions will be taken from your salary for the duration of the agreement.


Your Cycle to Work scheme is an agreement between yourself, your employer and Cycle Solutions. You can continue to use your bike once your agreement ends by choosing one of the end of scheme options.

We have a newly launched offering available to all staff. Health Assured, our Employee Assistance Programme suppliers, has designed a new website, Wisdom AI. When you need answers, you need them fast. So they created Wisdom AI, a pool of mental health knowledge combined of professional counselling expertise and the latest Artificial Intelligence with invaluable contributions from their professional counsellors’. All staff have full access to this revolutionary platform that delivers expert advice in a  few simple clicks.

You can access it here HERE



In response to staff feedback and the Wellbeing Roadshows, on 23 and 30 March the College held some free creative taster sessions at Llwyn y Bryn for staff. Creativity can help reduce stress and improve mental health, being creative may also reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and helps us manage or express our emotions in a positive and productive way. The sessions included:

  • drawing – close up study of a still life and drawing a perspective unique to them
  • pottery – explore the versatility of clay and use different techniques to hand build a ceramic planter
  • glass making – learn how to cut glass and experiment with different materials to create an individual glass item
  • textiles – have the opportunity to recycle an old jumper into a cushion cover or hot water bottle

The sessions were very well received with pottery and glass making being booked up in record time! We are hoping to build on the success of these taster sessions by offering more classes, information on this and how to book on will be communicated shortly.

Our Business Students are organising an event and invite all staff to join them at PlayZone Llansamlet for an evening of fun and games and to release your inner child!

Staff are invited to enter a team of 5 to compete against other staffrooms, areas or work friends. The evening will consist of free play, relay competitions with bonus points to those that do the RED slide. There will also be a pub style quiz and raffle with prizes including signed Swansea City jerseys and  football tops.

Tickets are £10 per person (ask your LAM if they will contribute towards this) and all profits go towards the Kenya Project. There will be hot and cold drinks and snacks available to purchase.

If you have a team who wants to enter and win the prestigious trophy for the Battle of the Staffrooms, you can contact Alison.harris@gcs.ac.uk for more info and to purchase tickets.

Training when you are 80 Years Old? It’s never too late to start.

“Exercise in Octogenarians: How Much Is Too Little?”

Individuals who have engaged in aerobic and resistance exercise for most of their adult lives have a substantially larger physical capacity and enhanced physiological function in many organ systems compared to their untrained or inactive counterparts (68–77). Typical age-related impairments in physical and physiological function are either forestalled or greatly diminished in highly trained seniors.

Arbab-Zadeh et al. found that carefully screened older adults (average age 70 years) who had performed nearly daily vigorous aerobic exercise training and competed regularly in national and regional endurance competitions for at least 25 years were indistinguishable in CRF and cardiac compliance from untrained adults on average 4 decades younger

A recent review took a minimal-dose approach and reported that performing resistance exercise for at least 2 days weekly for 60 min or less appears to be appropriate for improving muscular function in older adults

Once strength and muscle mass gains are achieved, a single weekly maintenance resistance exercise session of a sufficient volume and intensity appears to be effective in preserving skeletal muscle mass and strength in older adults

Thus, the minimal effective dose for increasing and then preserving muscle mass in older adults through resistance training is likely a very manageable exercise dose.



This is not my post, but I thought I would share as more and more evidence is becoming available that highlights that fitness, especially strength training, is very beneficial for leading healthy and independent lives into older age. Although it is never to late to start, this report shows that the sooner we do start has an increased benefit into older age.

If you want to know where to start, then book a 1-1 through the wellbeing portal or message me at christian.regis@gcs.ac.uk

Hopefully see you in the gym,



GCS are pleased to be awarded The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, established by Henpicked: Menopause In The Workplace, www.menopausefriendly.co.uk (www.menopausefriendly.co.uk), an award that recognises high standards and proven practices that embrace menopause in the workplace.

The Menopause Friendly Accreditation is industry-recognised and the only accreditation that sets clear standards which must be met. As such, it is truly meaningful and considered by many as a mark of excellence for menopause in the workplace.

In order to achieve The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, employers are assessed by an Independent Panel and must demonstrate evidence of their effectiveness in six key areas, namely: culture, policies and practices, training, engagement, facilities and evaluation.

If you are struggling with menopause or want to find out more about what support the College can offer you, please email lorraine.evans@gcs.ac.uk

Our Ironman team had a visit from Paul and Jayne Arnold who have completed in every Wales Ironman event since 2011. Paul and Jayne chatted about their experiences of competing, training plans and gave valuable insights as to what to expect on the day.

GCS will be holding a Wellbeing Roadshow at Gorseinon campus on Friday 3rd March.  Lorraine Evans, Wellbeing Advisor, and Christian Regis, Staff Fitness Coach, will be in the reception area from 9am until 12pm to talk all things Wellbeing and to answer any questions you may have on the new Staff Wellbeing portal, Employee Assistance Programme, Lean Body Challenge, Staff Benefits or any other related enquiries. Please pop along to meet them and to discuss any suggestions as to what you would like to see on the wellbeing agenda.