Next month Christian Regis will be running a 28 Day Lean Body Challenge – see here  to get an Idea of what to expect.

So the question he has for you is…do you want in? If you do, get in touch with Christian and he will add you to the Lean Body Challenge group, where all the excitement will happen.

So…if you are ready to make some significant changes to your nutrition and lifestyle…Ready to be Held to account (this won’t be a sit and observe exercise, but an actual ‘Lets Get it Done’)…and READY to achieve some meaningful results, then don’t hesitate to sign up.

Staff and students at Gower College Swansea were encouraged to get a little hot under the collar when they had an opportunity to try out a MenovestTM, a menopause training tool worn by celebrities, MP’s and broadcasters to raise awareness of menopause and what it feels like when experiencing a “hot flush”. Please visit You Tube  to find out more.

The vest was developed by Over The Bloody Moon, and brought to us by Amanda Lee from Theramex, and among the volunteers were College Principal Mark Jones, Director of Skills and Business Development Paul Kift, Catering Manager Neil Baker, Learning Area Manager Chris Williams, Library Manager Mark Ludlam, plus lecturers and students from Sport and Engineering.

Many of the volunteers commented that they found the experience a little uncomfortable after only a few minutes, so will now have more empathy and a better understanding of what it can be like to experience these symptoms whilst going about everyday routines at home or at work.

Gower College Swansea has undertaken a range of menopause related activities for staff in recent years including regular Menopause Cafes, opportunities to meet with menopause specialists and seminars on how to manage menopause in the workplace.

Gower College Swansea staff and students wearing the Theramex Menopause vest to simulate the symptoms of the menopause.
Pictured… Principle Mark Jones.
Copyright © 2023 by Adrian White
Photography, all rights reserved.
For permission to publish – contact me
Please respect copyright laws.


Gower College Swansea staff and students wearing the Theramex Menopause vest to simulate the symptoms of the menopause.
Pictured… Learning Resources Manager Mark Ludlam.
Copyright © 2023 by Adrian White
Photography, all rights reserved.
For permission to publish – contact me
Please respect copyright laws.

Gower College Swansea staff and students wearing the Theramex Menopause vest to simulate the symptoms of the menopause.
Pictured… Protective Services staff Chris Williams and Rob Evans.
Copyright © 2023 by Adrian White
Photography, all rights reserved.
For permission to publish – contact me
Please respect copyright laws.

Gower College Swansea staff and students wearing the Theramex Menopause vest to simulate the symptoms of the menopause.
Pictured… Paul Kift Director of Business Skills Development.
Copyright © 2023 by Adrian White
Photography, all rights reserved.
For permission to publish – contact me
Please respect copyright laws.

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and some people are more at risk than others. 90% of skin cancers in the UK are linked to excessive sun exposure to sunlight. However it is the only cancer that you can see! Be vigilant and check your moles and know about the changes to be aware of that could save your life, see below tips:

  • A – Assymetry – One half of a mole does not match the other
  • B – Border – The edges are irregular or jagged
  • C – Colour – The mole is not exactly coloured and may be uneven/patchy: shades of black, white, grey, brown or pink or contain two or more colours
  • D – Diameter – The mole is usually larger than 6mm across
  • E – Evolving – The mole is changing in size, shape or colour.

Following the success of our collaboration with Screen Cancer UK on December Wellbeing Day when we offered appointments to get your moles checked out, we are pleased to announce that we have secured further private appointments to offer to all staff. This service is for staff who have concerns relating to existing moles, changes to moles or new moles/lesions. Images are taken of moles and other skin lesions and they are sent to Skin Cancer UK’s in-house specialist dermatologists and results are received usually within a week.

These sessions are now fully booked.


Would you like to change something about your life? Learn how to relax easily, overcome habits, deal with anxiety or maybe you have trouble sleeping.

Hypnotherapist and Modern Mindfulness Practitioner Kev Webster hosts one-hour evening online hypnotherapy sessions on different topics. If you missed these sessions, you can access a sound recording of these sessions here:

Even with an increase in cost of living-related news, we know it can be hard to talk about money. GCS are pleased to liaise with the Money & Pensions service to deliver a webinar aimed at encouraging people to open up about their finances and get support for money worries, pension advice and all other things money. Research shows that people who talk about money:

  • make better and less risky financial decisions
  • have stronger personal relationships
  • help their children form good lifetime money habits
  • feel less stressed or anxious and more in control.

To view the webinar, please click Money & Pensions Service webinar



This is a drop-in session with no set structure on a Friday afternoon. Playing recreational football is a great way to reduce inactivity levels, increase fitness and decrease stress while making new friends! No need to book, just turn up at the Sports Centre in Tycoch.

This is suitable for any age and fitness level – it’s easy to play and a great way to get active! No need to book, just turn up at the Sports Centre in Tycoch on Thursdays at 4:00pm.

Badminton takes place on Wednesdays at 5:00pm when you can play some casual rallies with a colleague or have a competitive game, it’s for everyone. By joining the Staff Badminton Team you can check beforehand if the session
will be running. To join, please use the code 2gm2p4g.

Unwind, de stress and reenergise the body with an hour of yoga with Rosie.
Yoga is a great way to get back in tune with your body, reduce stress levels and
promote healthy bodily functions. This class is open to all abilities, with a focus
on increasing flexibility, strength and balance with plenty of adaptations and
modifications to suit your needs. You will be guided through thorough warm
ups, yoga postures, sequences and a short relaxation. Please wear comfortable
clothing and bring your water bottle. To book please visit the Wellbeing Booking portal HERE

Spinning is a form of exercise with classes focusing on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity (race days) and recovery, and involves using a special stationary exercise bicycle with a weighted flywheel in a classroom setting. Spin takes place early mornings and during lunchtime and to find out more or book your place, please To book please visit the Wellbeing Booking portal HERE