The Support Available to You

The Student Handbook:  You may have a question or query that can be easily answered by the Student Handbook.  You can find the Student Handbook on the moodle page when you click on Internet Explorer.  It is under the Student Handbook tab.

The Student Handbook has all the information you need about being a student at the college. The Handbook also has all the minutes of the Student Council meetings.

Personal Tutors:  Personal Tutors are assigned to each student to provide support and advice. Your tutor can also help you with any issues that come out of the Student Council.  The simplest and least formal method may be to approach your tutor at the end or beginning of a group (or your individual) tutorial session.  You could also arrange an appointment or discuss the issue there and then.

Student Services: You may find that a student approaches you with an issue of a personal nature.  No matter how well-equipped you may feel to deal with this it is neither in your interest or the student’s to deal with these kinds of issues.   It is better to refer a student to Student Services or their Tutor.